Saturday, February 24, 2007

Round 3

I feel pretty good about this round. Earned some dollar bills (I think, did we?), and, more importantly, I think I can be confident in eliminating 3-4 players as potential moles, with 2 more players sitting just on the fringes of the mole/not mole spectrum.
I almost feel guilty about kind of being excited to see who the first casualty of this new GAME ON phase will be, even if it ends up being me. It will be sad though, as this does feel kind of like the core group, it's really gonna suck to lose one, but such is the game.

oh, breinti

Do i get to be the first AGENT to post in their blogt while drunk!!? i hope so!!

BRENTIN. he inactivitied his way out of te game, but really that just means i lucked out, because the deadline for submitting confessionals and shit snuck the hell up on me and i missed every thing! so good thing brentin went away or wahtever. once again i would do the OOOH INACTIVE thing, but you know what, i know that life happens sometimes, and i tend to give peoiple the benefit of the doubt. i know it does suck from a hosting perspective (trust me been there), but it's not something to get worked up over.

brentin. i miss him already.

Friday, February 16, 2007

No more Heidi

Indeed it was Heidi who was the first to fall. I can't say that I care either way, except for the fact that hey, at least one more week of playtime for me, and another week closer to figuring out what's up. Maybe.
Other than that, I don't really know what else I could possibly speak of about Heidi, as I had literally zero contact with her. I could do the whole "blah blah taking away a spot from another worthy player etc etc", but ehh, that's been done before...

To recap: BYE HEIDI

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Round 1

Interesting first round. I don't know how much closer everything playing out has got me toward picking a suspect. So much second guessing... I can pretty much fabricate some reason or another for AND against each agent at this point. It almost feels like the smartest thing to do at this early stage would be to close my eyes and point... Gotta admit I'm not overly worried about the upcoming quiz, with the number of inactive players we seem to have right now, but thinking about that always leads me to worry that they could be feigning inactivity for mole/strategy purposes! Okay forget the not worried thing I just said up there, I can feel the worry pouring out of me!! Hopefully all goes well and I get to continue in the game. How much would it suck to be eliminated when the whole thing is barely underway?

Thursday, February 8, 2007


Just a quick note to say hello to game staff, fellow players, and anyone else who might come across my modest section of the blogosphere.

Sorry I missed Cutthroat Trivia last night!!