Sunday, March 18, 2007



Another interesting round. No money for the pot, but drama galore, which more than makes up for it in my opinion. I don't think that there was any way we could have won the idol challenge... too much technical skill required, which none of us seem to have. for this type of thing. Either that or we had 5 saboteurs.

Funhouse: I just wanted to make it out first, which I accomplished. By the time the twist at the end was revealed, with the exemption in one of the chests, I was pretty sure it wasn't going to be in the one I was given, simply because how easy would that have been? TOO easy, that's how. But hey, I still had a 1/3 shot of having it, and that was worth 50 cents to me.
And if I couldn't have the exemption, I'm happy to know that nobody has it.

I wonder what my reward will be for avoiding infection until the last possible week!!!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Mike Post

I'd say that this was the most shocking one yet. Shocked that it was Mike that went, and even more shocked that I am still here! Really making me start to think that maybe I am on the right track after all. That's not an idea I want to get too comfortable with though... we'll see what happens.

Mike buddy. My suspicions of you started out almost nonexistant (pretty much saved that first blog game for us by letting everyone know how to do the linked image... what mole would do that???), but you really made me wonder sometimes around the middle of your time in the game. I'm glad I shifted back toward my original suspect(s) on this last quiz, otherwise I might be in your shoes right now.

Final 5, whut whut.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Round 5


Once again I found myself unable to attend the live challenge. Sucks when I work 3/3 of the days that the challenges take place on, and always at the time of the live one. I really want to make it to at least one! It's also kind of disappointing that the live ones that we have had are ones that could be easily adapted and played out on the message board, but I understand with what's at stake why they are held live (can't make the effort to show up, you don't deserve the cash/rewards/etc).

Dice game was pretty cool. Glad the rest of the team could play it out after the live challenge, otherwise I don't think we would have finished in time (I was very close to asking Andy, very politely, to purposely eliminate himself, since that whole timezone thing, you know, but it didn't have to come to that, especially since I was eliminated early.

Scavenger hunt game... I was expecting some kind of huge scandalous twist of some kind... most of the items seemed so ordinary, and didn't take much effort to dig up. I dunno. Easy money I guess. I wonder why Padraig assigned five items to me, and three to everyone else? I know it was an odd number, but why not give two of us four items each or something?

Friday, March 9, 2007

Aaron post

Aaron leaving worries me a little... I kind of felt like him and I were playing this game in a similar style to one another, so I hope that doesn't mean I'm next on the list.
I had my suspicions about him early on, but as the rounds progressed, It became more and more clear that he had done nothing but contribute to the group's efforts in a positive way.
Thanks Aaron, you will be missed!!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Round 4

Unless something drastic happens before the deadline today, this hasn't been the most exciting of rounds, though it sounds like I missed some good times at the live challenge, which is always a shame.
Hoping the others bust out some tickets in the tycoon game before it's too late... there can only be one exemption, gentlemen. Chances are it won't go to you, so why not put some money in the pot instead?

I guess I don't really have a whole lot to say about this week... It's been a pretty quiet one. Is Mike still around?

Keith post

Wow, I'm pretty shocked. Though I suppose I would be saying the same no matter who went... that 8 kind of felt like the "core group".
Sucks it had to be Keith! Not just because he was always helpful in the challenges, but he was the first agent I felt confident in ruling out as a mole suspect. I guess that fact can be looked at in the context of "hey maybe that means I'm on the right track", but I guess I'd rather one of the three I'm torn between bit it, as harsh as it sounds.
But yeah, Keith was a great guy, and he will be missed on the team.