Sunday, March 11, 2007

Round 5


Once again I found myself unable to attend the live challenge. Sucks when I work 3/3 of the days that the challenges take place on, and always at the time of the live one. I really want to make it to at least one! It's also kind of disappointing that the live ones that we have had are ones that could be easily adapted and played out on the message board, but I understand with what's at stake why they are held live (can't make the effort to show up, you don't deserve the cash/rewards/etc).

Dice game was pretty cool. Glad the rest of the team could play it out after the live challenge, otherwise I don't think we would have finished in time (I was very close to asking Andy, very politely, to purposely eliminate himself, since that whole timezone thing, you know, but it didn't have to come to that, especially since I was eliminated early.

Scavenger hunt game... I was expecting some kind of huge scandalous twist of some kind... most of the items seemed so ordinary, and didn't take much effort to dig up. I dunno. Easy money I guess. I wonder why Padraig assigned five items to me, and three to everyone else? I know it was an odd number, but why not give two of us four items each or something?

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